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Privacy Policy

A. Scope of This Notice

The goal of this Privacy Notice is to advise you of the online privacy practices of Parthenon Globalsystems’ SaaS services (,, This Privacy notice also describes the choices you have about the information collected on this site and how it is used.

B. Your Personal Information

Parthenon Globalsystems primary goals in collecting personal information about you are, to ensure that data submissions are verifiable and identifiable to a real subscribing member, and that services are rendered uniquely to your specific account. The types of information we gather include the following:

  • Information You Explicitly Provide: To establish your account, or to participate in various transactions offered through our SaaS services, you will be asked to provide certain personally identifiable information to us such as your name, mailing address, e-mail address, and phone number. If you have elected to pay for subscriptions online through any of our SaaS service interfaces, you will be you will be asked to provide a valid credit card number and expiration date along with billing and shipping address information. You can choose not to provide this information but then you might not be able to conclude the payment process according to the payment processor preferences.

  • Information We Automatically Collect: We record your access to whatever records you may search for or look up in the site such as record initiation, edits, deletions, searches and views. This information is used for statistical purposes and for purposes of improving services to you and other subscribers.

  • Affiliate Site ID: If you entered any of Parthenon Globalsystems’ SaaS services by clicking a link or promotion on another website or if you used a site that provides universal registration services to sign up for our site, we will store the ID of that affiliate site in our database along with your computer's User ID or URL. We do this to ensure that the affiliate site receives proper credit for access by their users and to control the banner presentations and brand marking of that affiliate. We may also use this information in conjunction with your activities on our site to help us improve services to you and other subscribers.

C. Using your Information.

ProviderGateway only uses your personal information to conduct business with you. Some examples include but are not limited to:

  • Creating and maintaining accounts

  • Communicating with you (e.g., newsletters, email, transaction notifications)

  • Notifying you about other services that are available from Parthenon Globalsystems.
    We may also use this personal information to provide you with information related to your account, obtain feedback about your use of the site so that we better understand your needs and interests, to improve our service and to personalize communications and your web experience.

D. Is your Information Shared?

Personally identifiable information (such as name, address, personal demographics) that you submit to any of our SaaS services will not be rented, traded, or sold to any third party.

E. Protecting Your Information

Parthenon Globalsystems SaaS services implement a variety of administrative, managerial, and technical security measures to help protect your personal information. However, while we strive to protect your personal information and the information about clients, you must also take steps to protect your information such as not sharing passwords and not providing access to persons outside of your organization to your personal information or client lists.

F. Assurance of Security and Confidentiality

Parthenon Globalsystems shall protect the confidentiality of licensee data as per the applicable requirements of Ohio Administrative Code 5101:1-1-03, the applicable regulations promulgated by the United States Department of Health and Human Services, the applicable provisions of HIPAA, specifically 45 CFR 164.501, any amendments thereto, and shall further abide by the subscriber or customer’s HIPAA and confidentiality requirements. Parthenon Globalsystems employs HIPAA compliant Secure Socket Layers (SSL) technology for transmission of sensitive data at the module level, to ensure that all transmissions throughout the system are encrypted and protected from external interference.

G. Outside Links

Parthenon Globalsystems SaaS services may feature links to and from other Web sites, however, Parthenon is not responsible for the privacy practices of those Web sites. Whenever you elect to access an external link, we encourage our users to ascertain and abide by the privacy practices of those Web sites.

H. How to Reach Us

If you have questions or concerns about your privacy connected with any Parthenon Globalsystems’ SaaS services , please contact us by e-mail at

I. Changes to this Privacy Notice

Parthenon Globalsystems reserves the right to modify this Privacy Notice from time to time, by posting a prominent announcement on this page or, in the event of a material change, by notifying by e-mail all customers whose personal information we have retained.

UPDATED May 20,2021